Monday, October 31, 2011

Tues Nov 1

I will be disabling "Anonymous" comment-posting on the blog due to serious inappropriate comments being left on here.  This website is meant to be a learning and communicating resource for students and parents.  Students with concerns should bring them up directly with the teacher, rather than hide behind the irresponsible, immature, cowardly mask of online anonymity.  I welcome any questions related to class on the blog, but from now on, you will have to sign in with a Google account (i.e. Gmail) and include your name in all comments.  In other words, you will be accountable for anything you post on here.  It is unfortunate that this is the route we have to take, as I do understand that sometimes students feel more comfortable asking (appropriate) questions anonymously; unfortunately, however, certain students have taken advantage of this comfort and used it for derogatory comments which are harmful to everyone involved.

I do want to thank the majority of students who have been using this blog according to its purpose :)

  • p. 135 #1-3 (discuss w/ partner)
  • p. 135 #4-12 -- use 3-column chart to answer
  • Fraction Test corrections and parent signature due tomorrow!
Coming up
  • % of a number
  • % Quiz #1 (on converting decimals, fractions, and percents) and % of a number on Thursday


  1. i found out how to do the 5+5+5=550

  2. Hi Usman!
    My grade 11s came up with an answer too. Let's compare tomorrow!
    Max gave us another one to do tomorrow also!
