Monday, October 17, 2011

Mon Oct 17

  • p. 232 Show You Know a-c
  • p. 234 #4-5
  • dividing fractions worksheet
  • study for FRACTION QUIZ #3 which consists of 12 questions of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions


  1. Choose your secret ingredient.  Your partner is the person who picks the same ingredient as you.
  2. Find an interesting, appealing, hopefully delicious recipe featuring your ingredient.  The recipe can be for a dessert, appetizer, or main dish.
  3. Your recipe must contain:
    • at least 10 ingredients
    • at least 1 proper fraction ingredient quantity
    • at least 1 whole number ingredient quantity
    • at least 1 mixed number ingredient quantity
    • a stated serving size (e.g. "serves 4" or "makes 24 cookies")
  4. Your assignment is to produce another version of the recipe which will make enough food to feed the class.
  5. What to hand in:
    • the original recipe with the source (website or book)
    • your new recipe with
      • your new name for the dish
      • the new serving size
      • the new amounts of each ingredient
      • the instructions rewritten in grade-8-friendly language
      • a picture of the dish
  6. You will be marked on the accuracy of your new recipe (multiply those fractions correctly!), whether you follow all the instructions, your creativity, and presentation.
  7. You will earn bonus marks if you actually cook the dish for the class :)
À la cuisine!

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