Monday, October 31, 2011

Tues Nov 1

I will be disabling "Anonymous" comment-posting on the blog due to serious inappropriate comments being left on here.  This website is meant to be a learning and communicating resource for students and parents.  Students with concerns should bring them up directly with the teacher, rather than hide behind the irresponsible, immature, cowardly mask of online anonymity.  I welcome any questions related to class on the blog, but from now on, you will have to sign in with a Google account (i.e. Gmail) and include your name in all comments.  In other words, you will be accountable for anything you post on here.  It is unfortunate that this is the route we have to take, as I do understand that sometimes students feel more comfortable asking (appropriate) questions anonymously; unfortunately, however, certain students have taken advantage of this comfort and used it for derogatory comments which are harmful to everyone involved.

I do want to thank the majority of students who have been using this blog according to its purpose :)

  • p. 135 #1-3 (discuss w/ partner)
  • p. 135 #4-12 -- use 3-column chart to answer
  • Fraction Test corrections and parent signature due tomorrow!
Coming up
  • % of a number
  • % Quiz #1 (on converting decimals, fractions, and percents) and % of a number on Thursday

Mon Oct 31

  • 4.1 (Representing %) - p. 128 #4, 5, 7-10, 12, 13
  • Quiz on all of Ch. 2 on Tuesday ("But it's Halloween!"  Yes, but we COMPLETED ch. 2 on FRIDAY, meaning you had the entire weekend to review.  The only reason I bumped the quiz from Monday to Tuesday was so you would have time to ask any lingering questions on Monday.)
  • By request:  solutions to the Ch 2 Practice Test!

Have a safe and fun Halloween! :) 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fri Oct 28

  • 2.3, Proportional Reasoning:  p. 67 #16-20, 22
  • Choose your own questions from
    • Chapter Review
    • Practice Test
  • Quiz on Chapter 2 on Tuesday
  • Corrections and parent signature on Fraction Test, due Wednesday


Today, Mr. Jack O'Lantern is twice as old as his nephew. Twenty-five years ago, the ratio of their ages was 3 : 1. When will Mr. Jack O'Lantern be 100 years old?

Email your answer to mslamteach [at] for a chance to win a bonus mark on your next quiz!  Please show/explain how you arrived at your answer.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thurs Oct 27

  • 2.2, Rates:  p. 60 #13-16 (finish what you started in class)
  • 2.3, Proportional Reasoning:  p. 67 #4-10, 12, 14
  • study for Quiz on 2.1-2.2 (Ratios and Rates) on Friday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tues Oct 25

  • p. 51 #5-13, 17, 18
  • Iron Chef Recipe assignment due Wed. (unless you have permission for an extension)
  • parent signature on Integer Test

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wed Oct 19

  • study for FRACTION TEST on MONDAY
  • to prepare, you can do the following:
    • Ch 6 Chapter Review (skip the questions that you think are too easy for you)
    • Ch 6 Self Test (skip the questions that you think are too easy for you)
    • Online Quiz here
    • review your notes, examples, and quizzes -- learn from your previous mistakes

IRON CHEF assignment - see Monday October 17th blog entry for instructions
due Wednesday October 26th

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tues Oct 18

  • finish word problems worksheet
  • finish p. 234 #6-9, 11-13, 15
  • BEDMAS worksheet - finish as much as you can, but it's not due until Thursday
  • Wednesday:  Fraction Quiz #4 on BEDMAS and word problems


IRON CHEF assignment -- see Monday October 17th blog entry for instructions

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mon Oct 17

  • p. 232 Show You Know a-c
  • p. 234 #4-5
  • dividing fractions worksheet
  • study for FRACTION QUIZ #3 which consists of 12 questions of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions


  1. Choose your secret ingredient.  Your partner is the person who picks the same ingredient as you.
  2. Find an interesting, appealing, hopefully delicious recipe featuring your ingredient.  The recipe can be for a dessert, appetizer, or main dish.
  3. Your recipe must contain:
    • at least 10 ingredients
    • at least 1 proper fraction ingredient quantity
    • at least 1 whole number ingredient quantity
    • at least 1 mixed number ingredient quantity
    • a stated serving size (e.g. "serves 4" or "makes 24 cookies")
  4. Your assignment is to produce another version of the recipe which will make enough food to feed the class.
  5. What to hand in:
    • the original recipe with the source (website or book)
    • your new recipe with
      • your new name for the dish
      • the new serving size
      • the new amounts of each ingredient
      • the instructions rewritten in grade-8-friendly language
      • a picture of the dish
  6. You will be marked on the accuracy of your new recipe (multiply those fractions correctly!), whether you follow all the instructions, your creativity, and presentation.
  7. You will earn bonus marks if you actually cook the dish for the class :)
À la cuisine!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fri Oct 14

  • dividing fractions:  p. 227 #5, 6, 8-13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22
  • if you need a refresher, watch this video on how to divide fractions
  • worksheet on multiplying fractions
  • Fraction Quiz #3 (multiplying and dividing fractions) on Tuesday
Coming up:
  • on Monday, you will find out your SECRET INGREDIENT for Iron Chef:  Fraction Cookoff Edition!

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Wed Oct 12

    • p. 214 #5-12, 14, 15, 16
    • p. 220 #6-18, 20, 21
    • Fraction Quiz #2 on multiplying fractions next class!

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Tues Oct 11

    • Multiplying fractions - p. 202 #4b, 5-9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17
    Small Business Project due tomorrow!
    Bonus marks if you present to the class.

    Coming up:
    • Dividing fractions
    • Order of operations with fractions
    • Fraction applications
    • Iron Chef:  Fraction Cookoff Edition

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    Fri Oct 7

    • finish all 3 Fraction worksheets (both sides)
    Coming up:
    • Fraction Quiz #1 on adding & subtracting fractions (Tuesday)
    • multiplying fractions
    • dividing fractions
    • applications
    • order of operations with fractions

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    Wed Oct 5

    • complete corrections on your Integer Pre-Test
    • study for INTEGER TEST tomorrow
    • Small Business Project - due Tues/Wed; you have the option of presenting your project to the class

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Tues Oct 4

    • Wednesday:  in-class time to work on Small Business Project
    • Thursday:  INTEGER TEST!

    Monday, October 3, 2011

    Mon Oct 3

    Coming up:
    • Integer pre-test on Tuesday
    • Small business project on Wednesday
    • Integer test on Thursday