Hello Math 8 students!
Welcome! Please bookmark this page. Make it a habit to visit regularly! I will post homework after every class, as well as news about upcoming quizzes and tests. I may also use this blog to post extra practice questions, answer keys, contests, and opportunities for bonus marks.
- "I forgot to write my homework down."
- "I lost my agenda."
- "I forgot which questions to do."
- "I didn't know there was a quiz."
- "I forgot when the test is."
You can also use this blog to ask questions or make comments.
Back to School Blog Contest!
The first FIVE (5) students PER BLOCK to leave a comment below this post will win ONE BONUS MARK on the first quiz of the year. In your comment, you must include:
- your first name and last initial
- your block
- your favourite math topic/concept
Everyone who comments AFTER the first 5 students per block will win HALF A BONUS MARK on the first quiz of the year. It's worth it!
Let the comment race begin!